Load the native libvlc library (if necessary, depending on platform)
Ensure that you installed the VideoLAN.LibVLC.[YourPlatform] package in your target project
This will throw a
VLCException if the native libvlc libraries cannot be found or loaded.
It may also throw a
VLCException if the LibVLC and LibVLCSharp major versions do not match.
See https://code.videolan.org/videolan/LibVLCSharp/-/blob/master/docs/versioning.md for more info about the versioning strategy.
CPF.Vlc (在 CPF.Vlc.dll 中) 版本:
语法public static void Initialize(
string libvlcDirectoryPath = null
- libvlcDirectoryPath (Optional)
- 类型:SystemString
The path to the directory that contains libvlc and libvlccore
No need to specify unless running netstandard 1.1, or using custom location for libvlc
This parameter is NOT supported on Linux, use LD_LIBRARY_PATH instead.