LibVLCSharp.Shared 命名空间 |
[缺少 "N:LibVLCSharp.Shared" 的 <summary> 文档]
类 | 说明 | |
Core |
The Core class handles libvlc loading intricacies on various platforms as well as
the libvlc/libvlcsharp version match check.
| |
Dialog |
Dialogs can be raised by libvlc for network actions and logins.
You may only call once PostLogin or PostAction or Dismiss after which this instance will be invalid.
| |
Equalizer |
Equalizer settings can be applied to a media player using this type
| |
Internal |
This base class is used for the main libvlc types
| |
LibVLC |
Main LibVLC API object representing a libvlc instance in native code.
Note: You may create multiple mediaplayers from a single LibVLC instance
| |
LogEventArgs |
The LibVLC Log Event Arg
| |
Media |
Media is an abstract representation of a playable media. It can be a network stream or a local video/audio file.
| |
MediaConfiguration |
Configuration helper designed to be used for advanced libvlc configuration
More info at
| |
MediaDiscoverer |
MediaDiscoverer should be used to find media on NAS and any SMB/UPnP-enabled device on your local network.
| |
MediaDurationChangedEventArgs |
The duration of the media changed
| |
MediaFreedEventArgs |
The media has been freed
| |
MediaInput |
An abstract class that lets libvlc read a media from callbacks.
Override this to provide your own reading mechanism, or you can use the StreamMediaInput class
| |
MediaList |
The MediaList holds a list of Media types
| |
MediaListBaseEventArgs |
Base class for MediaList events
| |
MediaListItemAddedEventArgs |
An item has been added to the MediaList
| |
MediaListItemDeletedEventArgs |
An item has been deleted from the MediaList
| |
MediaListWillAddItemEventArgs |
An item is about to be added to the MediaList
| |
MediaListWillDeleteItemEventArgs |
An item is about to be deleted from the MediaList
| |
MediaMetaChangedEventArgs |
Media metadata changed
| |
MediaParsedChangedEventArgs |
Media parsed status changed
| |
MediaPlayer |
The MediaPlayer type is used to control playback, set renderers, provide events and much more
| |
MediaPlayerAudioDeviceEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's audio device changed
| |
MediaPlayerBufferingEventArgs |
The mediaplayer buffering information
| |
MediaPlayerChangedEventArgs |
The MediaPlayerChanged event indicates when a new MediaPlayer has been set up with the VideoView
and is ready to use for a first time playback.
| |
MediaPlayerChangingEventArgs |
Internal event used by LibVLCSharp.
| |
MediaPlayerChapterChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's chapter changed
| |
MediaPlayerESAddedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer has a new Elementary Stream (ES)
| |
MediaPlayerESDeletedEventArgs |
An Elementary Stream (ES) was deleted
| |
MediaPlayerESSelectedEventArgs |
An Elementary Stream (ES) was selected
| |
MediaPlayerLengthChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's length changed
| |
MediaPlayerMediaChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's media changed
| |
MediaPlayerPausableChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's pausable status changed
| |
MediaPlayerPositionChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's position changed
| |
MediaPlayerScrambledChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer scrambled status changed
| |
MediaPlayerSeekableChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's seekable status changed
| |
MediaPlayerSnapshotTakenEventArgs |
The mediaplayer had a snapshot taken
| |
MediaPlayerTimeChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's time changed
| |
MediaPlayerTitleChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's title changed
| |
MediaPlayerVolumeChangedEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's volume changed
| |
MediaPlayerVoutEventArgs |
The mediaplayer's video output changed
| |
MediaStateChangedEventArgs |
The state of the media changed
| |
MediaSubItemAddedEventArgs |
Media sub item added
| |
MediaSubItemTreeAddedEventArgs |
A media sub item tree has been added
| |
PlatformHelper |
Small helper for determining the current platform
| |
RendererDiscoverer |
The renderer discoverer can be used to find and use a Chromecast or other distant renderers.
| |
RendererDiscovererItemAddedEventArgs |
A new RendererItem has been found
| |
RendererDiscovererItemDeletedEventArgs |
A RendererItem has been deleted
| |
RendererItem |
A renderer item represents a device that libvlc can use to render media.
| |
StreamMediaInput |
A MediaInput implementation that reads from a .NET stream
| |
VLCException |
This exception is thrown when a problem with VLC occured
结构 | 说明 | |
AudioTrack |
Audio track
| |
MediaDiscovererDescription |
Description of a media discoverer
| |
MediaSlave | A slave of a libvlc_media_t | |
MediaStats |
Statistics of a Media
| |
MediaTrack |
Media track information
| |
MediaTrackData |
Media track data struct, containing info about audio, video and subtitles track
| |
RendererDescription |
Renderer description
| |
SubtitleTrack |
Subtitle track
| |
VideoTrack |
Video track
| |
VideoViewpoint | Viewpoint for video outputs |
接口 | 说明 | |
IVideoView |
VideoView Interface
委托 | 说明 | |
DisplayError |
Called when an error message needs to be displayed.
| |
DisplayLogin |
Called when a login dialog needs to be displayed.
You can interact with this dialog by calling PostLogin() to post an answer or Dismiss() to cancel this dialog.
| |
DisplayProgress |
Called when a progress dialog needs to be displayed.
If cancellable cancelText is not NULL, you can cancel this dialog by calling libvlc_dialog_dismiss()
| |
DisplayQuestion |
Called when a question dialog needs to be displayed.
You can interact with this dialog by calling PostAction() to post an answer or Dismiss() to cancel this dialog.
| |
ExitCallback |
Registers a callback for the LibVLC exit event.
This is mostly useful if the VLC playlist and/or at least one interface are started with libvlc_playlist_play()
or AddInterface() respectively. Typically, this function will wake up your application main loop (from another thread).
| |
MediaPlayerLibVLCAudioCleanupCb | Callback prototype for audio playback cleanup. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCAudioDrainCb | Callback prototype for audio buffer drain. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCAudioFlushCb | Callback prototype for audio buffer flush.
LibVLC invokes this callback if it needs to discard all pending buffers and stop playback as soon as possible. This typically occurs when the media is stopped. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCAudioPauseCb | Callback prototype for audio pause. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCAudioPlayCb | Callback prototype for audio playback. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCAudioResumeCb | Callback prototype for audio resumption. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCAudioSetupCb | Callback prototype to setup the audio playback. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCVideoCleanupCb | Callback prototype to configure picture buffers format. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCVideoDisplayCb | Callback prototype to display a picture. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCVideoFormatCb | Callback prototype to configure picture buffers format. This callback gets the format of the video as output by the video decoder and the chain of video filters (if any). It can opt to change any parameter as it needs. In that case, LibVLC will attempt to convert the video format (rescaling and chroma conversion) but these operations can be CPU intensive. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCVideoLockCb | A LibVLC media player plays one media (usually in a custom drawable). @{ LibVLC simple media player external API | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCVideoUnlockCb | Callback prototype to unlock a picture buffer. | |
MediaPlayerLibVLCVolumeCb | Callback prototype for audio volume change. | |
UpdateProgress |
Called when a progress dialog needs to be updated.
枚举 | 说明 | |
AudioOutputChannel |
Audio channels
| |
DialogQuestionType |
Describes the question type by libvlc
| |
FromType |
The FromType enum is used to drive the media creation.
A media is usually created using a string, which can represent one of 3 things: FromPath, FromLocation, AsNode.
| |
LogLevel | Logging messages level. | |
MediaDiscovererCategory | Category of a media discoverer | |
MediaParsedStatus |
Parse status used sent by libvlc_media_parse_with_options() or returned by
| |
MediaParseOptions |
Parse flags used by libvlc_media_parse_with_options()
| |
MediaPlayerRole | Media player roles. | |
MediaSlaveType | Type of a media slave: subtitle or audio. | |
MediaType | Media type | |
MetadataType |
Meta data types
| |
NavigationMode | Navigation mode | |
Position | Enumeration of values used to set position (e.g. of video title). | |
TeletextKey | Enumeration of teletext keys than can be passed via libvlc_video_set_teletext() | |
Title | Description for titles | |
TrackType |
Media track type such as Audio, Video or Text
| |
VideoAdjustOption |
option values for libvlc_video_{get,set}_adjust_{int,float,bool}
| |
VideoLogoOption |
option values for libvlc_video_{get,set}_logo_{int,string}
| |
VideoMarqueeOption | Marq options definition | |
VideoOrientation |
Video orientation
| |
VideoProjection |
Video projection
| |
VLCState | Note the order of libvlc_state_t enum must match exactly the order of |