The FromType enum is used to drive the media creation.
A media is usually created using a string, which can represent one of 3 things: FromPath, FromLocation, AsNode.
CPF.Vlc (在 CPF.Vlc.dll 中) 版本:
语法 成员
| 成员名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| FromPath | 0 |
Create a media for a certain file path.
| FromLocation | 1 |
Create a media with a certain given media resource location,
for instance a valid URL.
note To refer to a local file with this function,
the file://... URI syntax must be used (see IETF RFC3986).
We recommend using FromPath instead when dealing with
local files.
| AsNode | 2 |
Create a media as an empty node with a given name.