
MediaPlayerOutputDevice 属性

Get the current audio output device identifier. This complements SetOutputDevice(String, String) warning The initial value for the current audio output device identifier may not be set or may be some unknown value.A LibVLC application should compare this value against the known device identifiers (e.g.those that were previously retrieved by a call to AudioOutputDeviceEnum or AudioOutputDevices(String)) to find the current audio output device. It is possible that the selected audio output device changes(an external change) without a call to SetOutputDevice(String, String).That may make this method unsuitable to use if a LibVLC application is attempting to track dynamic audio device changes as they happen.

命名空间:  LibVLCSharp.Shared
程序集:  CPF.Vlc (在 CPF.Vlc.dll 中) 版本:
public string OutputDevice { get; }


the current audio output device identifier, or NULL if no device is selected or in case of error.