Color 结构 |
[缺少 "T:CPF.Drawing.Color" 的 <summary> 文档]
命名空间: CPF.Drawing
[TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(ColorConverter))] public struct Color : IFormattable, IEquatable<Color>
Color 类型公开以下成员。
名称 | 说明 | |
A |
| |
AliceBlue |
Well-known color: AliceBlue
| |
AntiqueWhite |
Well-known color: AntiqueWhite
| |
Aqua |
Well-known color: Aqua
| |
Aquamarine |
Well-known color: Aquamarine
| |
Azure |
Well-known color: Azure
| |
B |
| |
Beige |
Well-known color: Beige
| |
Bisque |
Well-known color: Bisque
| |
Black |
Well-known color: Black
| |
BlanchedAlmond |
Well-known color: BlanchedAlmond
| |
Blue |
Well-known color: Blue
| |
BlueViolet |
Well-known color: BlueViolet
| |
Brown |
Well-known color: Brown
| |
BurlyWood |
Well-known color: BurlyWood
| |
CadetBlue |
Well-known color: CadetBlue
| |
Chartreuse |
Well-known color: Chartreuse
| |
Chocolate |
Well-known color: Chocolate
| |
Coral |
Well-known color: Coral
| |
CornflowerBlue |
Well-known color: CornflowerBlue
| |
Cornsilk |
Well-known color: Cornsilk
| |
Crimson |
Well-known color: Crimson
| |
Cyan |
Well-known color: Cyan
| |
DarkBlue |
Well-known color: DarkBlue
| |
DarkCyan |
Well-known color: DarkCyan
| |
DarkGoldenrod |
Well-known color: DarkGoldenrod
| |
DarkGray |
Well-known color: DarkGray
| |
DarkGreen |
Well-known color: DarkGreen
| |
DarkKhaki |
Well-known color: DarkKhaki
| |
DarkMagenta |
Well-known color: DarkMagenta
| |
DarkOliveGreen |
Well-known color: DarkOliveGreen
| |
DarkOrange |
Well-known color: DarkOrange
| |
DarkOrchid |
Well-known color: DarkOrchid
| |
DarkRed |
Well-known color: DarkRed
| |
DarkSalmon |
Well-known color: DarkSalmon
| |
DarkSeaGreen |
Well-known color: DarkSeaGreen
| |
DarkSlateBlue |
Well-known color: DarkSlateBlue
| |
DarkSlateGray |
Well-known color: DarkSlateGray
| |
DarkTurquoise |
Well-known color: DarkTurquoise
| |
DarkViolet |
Well-known color: DarkViolet
| |
DeepPink |
Well-known color: DeepPink
| |
DeepSkyBlue |
Well-known color: DeepSkyBlue
| |
DimGray |
Well-known color: DimGray
| |
DodgerBlue |
Well-known color: DodgerBlue
| |
Firebrick |
Well-known color: Firebrick
| |
FloralWhite |
Well-known color: FloralWhite
| |
ForestGreen |
Well-known color: ForestGreen
| |
Fuchsia |
Well-known color: Fuchsia
| |
G |
| |
Gainsboro |
Well-known color: Gainsboro
| |
GhostWhite |
Well-known color: GhostWhite
| |
Gold |
Well-known color: Gold
| |
Goldenrod |
Well-known color: Goldenrod
| |
Gray |
Well-known color: Gray
| |
Green |
Well-known color: Green
| |
GreenYellow |
Well-known color: GreenYellow
| |
Honeydew |
Well-known color: Honeydew
| |
HotPink |
Well-known color: HotPink
| |
IndianRed |
Well-known color: IndianRed
| |
Indigo |
Well-known color: Indigo
| |
Ivory |
Well-known color: Ivory
| |
Khaki |
Well-known color: Khaki
| |
Lavender |
Well-known color: Lavender
| |
LavenderBlush |
Well-known color: LavenderBlush
| |
LawnGreen |
Well-known color: LawnGreen
| |
LemonChiffon |
Well-known color: LemonChiffon
| |
LightBlue |
Well-known color: LightBlue
| |
LightCoral |
Well-known color: LightCoral
| |
LightCyan |
Well-known color: LightCyan
| |
LightGoldenrodYellow |
Well-known color: LightGoldenrodYellow
| |
LightGray |
Well-known color: LightGray
| |
LightGreen |
Well-known color: LightGreen
| |
LightPink |
Well-known color: LightPink
| |
LightSalmon |
Well-known color: LightSalmon
| |
LightSeaGreen |
Well-known color: LightSeaGreen
| |
LightSkyBlue |
Well-known color: LightSkyBlue
| |
LightSlateGray |
Well-known color: LightSlateGray
| |
LightSteelBlue |
Well-known color: LightSteelBlue
| |
LightYellow |
Well-known color: LightYellow
| |
Lime |
Well-known color: Lime
| |
LimeGreen |
Well-known color: LimeGreen
| |
Linen |
Well-known color: Linen
| |
Magenta |
Well-known color: Magenta
| |
Maroon |
Well-known color: Maroon
| |
MediumAquamarine |
Well-known color: MediumAquamarine
| |
MediumBlue |
Well-known color: MediumBlue
| |
MediumOrchid |
Well-known color: MediumOrchid
| |
MediumPurple |
Well-known color: MediumPurple
| |
MediumSeaGreen |
Well-known color: MediumSeaGreen
| |
MediumSlateBlue |
Well-known color: MediumSlateBlue
| |
MediumSpringGreen |
Well-known color: MediumSpringGreen
| |
MediumTurquoise |
Well-known color: MediumTurquoise
| |
MediumVioletRed |
Well-known color: MediumVioletRed
| |
MidnightBlue |
Well-known color: MidnightBlue
| |
MintCream |
Well-known color: MintCream
| |
MistyRose |
Well-known color: MistyRose
| |
Moccasin |
Well-known color: Moccasin
| |
NavajoWhite |
Well-known color: NavajoWhite
| |
Navy |
Well-known color: Navy
| |
OldLace |
Well-known color: OldLace
| |
Olive |
Well-known color: Olive
| |
OliveDrab |
Well-known color: OliveDrab
| |
Orange |
Well-known color: Orange
| |
OrangeRed |
Well-known color: OrangeRed
| |
Orchid |
Well-known color: Orchid
| |
PaleGoldenrod |
Well-known color: PaleGoldenrod
| |
PaleGreen |
Well-known color: PaleGreen
| |
PaleTurquoise |
Well-known color: PaleTurquoise
| |
PaleVioletRed |
Well-known color: PaleVioletRed
| |
PapayaWhip |
Well-known color: PapayaWhip
| |
PeachPuff |
Well-known color: PeachPuff
| |
Peru |
Well-known color: Peru
| |
Pink |
Well-known color: Pink
| |
Plum |
Well-known color: Plum
| |
PowderBlue |
Well-known color: PowderBlue
| |
Purple |
Well-known color: Purple
| |
R |
| |
Red |
Well-known color: Red
| |
RosyBrown |
Well-known color: RosyBrown
| |
RoyalBlue |
Well-known color: RoyalBlue
| |
SaddleBrown |
Well-known color: SaddleBrown
| |
Salmon |
Well-known color: Salmon
| |
SandyBrown |
Well-known color: SandyBrown
| |
ScA |
| |
ScB |
| |
ScG |
| |
ScR |
| |
SeaGreen |
Well-known color: SeaGreen
| |
SeaShell |
Well-known color: SeaShell
| |
Sienna |
Well-known color: Sienna
| |
Silver |
Well-known color: Silver
| |
SkyBlue |
Well-known color: SkyBlue
| |
SlateBlue |
Well-known color: SlateBlue
| |
SlateGray |
Well-known color: SlateGray
| |
Snow |
Well-known color: Snow
| |
SpringGreen |
Well-known color: SpringGreen
| |
SteelBlue |
Well-known color: SteelBlue
| |
Tan |
Well-known color: Tan
| |
Teal |
Well-known color: Teal
| |
Thistle |
Well-known color: Thistle
| |
Tomato |
Well-known color: Tomato
| |
Transparent |
| |
Turquoise |
Well-known color: Turquoise
| |
Violet |
Well-known color: Violet
| |
Wheat |
Well-known color: Wheat
| |
White |
Well-known color: White
| |
WhiteSmoke |
Well-known color: WhiteSmoke
| |
Yellow |
Well-known color: Yellow
| |
YellowGreen |
Well-known color: YellowGreen
名称 | 说明 | |
Add |
Addition method - Adds each channel of the second color to each channel of the
first and returns the result
| |
AreClose |
Compares two colors for fuzzy equality. This function
helps compensate for the fact that float values can
acquire error when operated upon
| |
Clamp |
Clamp - the color channels to the gamut [0..1]. If a channel is out
of gamut, it will be set to 1, which represents full saturation.
todo: [....] up context values if they exist
| |
Equals(Object) |
Compares two colors for exact equality. Note that float values can acquire error
when operated upon, such that an exact comparison between two vEquals(color);alues which are logically
equal may fail. see cref="AreClose" for a "fuzzy" version of this comparison.
(重写 ValueTypeEquals(Object).) | |
Equals(Color) |
Compares two colors for exact equality. Note that float values can acquire error
when operated upon, such that an exact comparison between two values which are logically
equal may fail. see cref="AreClose" for a "fuzzy" version of this comparison.
| |
Equals(Color, Color) |
Equality method for two colors - return true of colors are equal, otherwise returns false
| |
FromArgb |
Color - sRgb legacy interface, assumes Rgb values are sRgb, alpha channel is linear 1.0 gamma
| |
FromRgb |
Color - sRgb legacy interface, assumes Rgb values are sRgb
| |
FromRgba | ||
FromScRgb |
| |
GetHashCode |
(重写 ValueTypeGetHashCode.) | |
GetType | (继承自 Object。) | |
Multiply |
| |
Parse |
Parses a color string. #ffffff、r,g,b、r,g,b,a
| |
Subtract |
Subtract method - subtracts each channel of the second color from each channel of the
first and returns the result
| |
ToString |
Creates a string representation of this object based on the current culture.
(重写 ValueTypeToString.) | |
ToString(IFormatProvider) |
Creates a string representation of this object based on the IFormatProvider
passed in. If the provider is null, the CurrentCulture is used.
| |
TryParse |
名称 | 说明 | |
Addition |
Addition operator - Adds each channel of the second color to each channel of the
first and returns the result
| |
Equality |
IsEqual operator - Compares two colors for exact equality. Note that float values can acquire error
when operated upon, such that an exact comparison between two values which are logically
equal may fail. see cref="AreClose".
| |
(String to Color) |
Parses a color string. #ffffff、r,g,b、r,g,b,a
| |
(HtmlColor to Color) | ||
Inequality |
| |
Multiply |
Multiplication operator - Multiplies each channel of the color by a coefficient and returns the result
| |
Subtraction |
Subtract operator - substracts each channel of the second color from each channel of the
first and returns the result
名称 | 说明 | |
ConvertTo |
(由 ObjectExtenstions 定义。) | |
Delay |
(由 ObjectExtenstions 定义。) | |
Equal |
(由 ObjectExtenstions 定义。) | |
GetCreationCode | (由 ObjectExtenstions 定义。) | |
GetPropretyValue |
(由 ObjectExtenstions 定义。) | |
GetValue |
(由 FastReflectionExtensions 定义。) | |
Invoke |
(由 FastReflectionExtensions 定义。) | |
SetPropretyValue |
(由 ObjectExtenstions 定义。) | |
SetValue |
(由 FastReflectionExtensions 定义。) | |
ToSKColor | (由 Extension 定义。) |